Covid-19 Leadership Lockdown Tools

Our integrated framework sits at the heart of everything we do.

Every component leads to performance. They do so through organisational climate. For any organisation to improve its performance in times of change it first must improve its organisational climate which reveals how it feels to work there. Climate therefore is entirely people focused.

Climate is created by 3 separate yet interdependent change levers which together comprise the leadership dynamic that represents the organisations culture. Culture concerns how things are done around here. Climate is an outcome of culture. The 3 Change Levers:

Structure and Job Design. This concerns the design of the organisation

GPI: (Global Predisposition Indicator)

There has never been been a more important time for great leadership than during this period of disruption

In times of change we are forced to operate outside our comfort zone. GPI will show you how you prefer to behave -the real you, making the distinction between personality and behaviour explicit unlike many similar instruments. Predisposition give valuable insight into how you prefer to approach situations, why you behave as you do and why you feel as you do about certain activities.

GPI is an online inventory where you rate 182 questions in terms of the extent to which they describe you and the way you prefer to behave

GPI will show:

  • Behaviour that that reflects your preferred predisposition; your comfort zone
  • Why you behave this way
  • Why you feel the way you do about certain activities
  • Behaviour that reflects predisposition is preferred
  • How behaving in a non preferred way is taxing and can be difficult
  • How to become comfortable by learning how to implement your unnatural behaviours
  • How to adapt your natural behaviour to the working environment imposed on us by Covid-19
  • Its behaviour that organisations pay for not predisposition and its specific behaviour that deliver great climate
  • How to appreciate your points of real strength and focus on those areas you need to develop

ESI (Engagement Style Indicator)

There has never been a more important time than NOW to create a positive climate for Performance and Wellbeing

During these times of disruption and change, customers, employees and suppliers are anxious and need reassurance

Global benchmark studies on the effect of Covid-19 on business clearly shows that leaders who trust and empower, establish a culture of intent are able to  a build powerful and untapped organisational climate

ESI is an online diagnostic providing leaders with a 360 perspective of their behaviour in terms of Direction and Engagement

ESI will show:

  • Reveal how a 10% modification in leader behaviour can deliver significant improvement to climate in times of change by tapping into hidden reserves… discretionary effort
  • Provide you with a 360 degree perspective on how you engage on a good day but also the shadow you cast on a bad day
  • Provide your scores compared to 60,000 global leaders
  • Compare your scores to the top 10% of our research base
  • Illuminate what and how you must change specifically to be able to tap into great climate for free during times of disruption and change
  • Identify and stimulate key behaviour change at every level in your business
  • Show explicitly how to increase employee engagement and therefore how people feel at work
  • Grow your business productivity by improving PERFORMANCE and WELLBEING

Bundle: (GPI & ESI) Package

This powerful combination will help you create more business

This vital resource will help you reduce anxiety, establish great climate, tapping into the hidden reserves in your business, the discretionary effort of your people.

GPI/ESI Package will:

  • Deliver significant increase in business climate tapping into discretionary effort
  • Stimulate a strong sense of purpose during disruption
  • Illuminate direction and provide clarity
  • Engage your people like they’ve never been engaged before
  • Create a sense of control through empowerment
  • Help your people feel genuinely appreciated
  • Ensure your people are motivated and ready for change

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